In the News

Jul 06, 2011 |

Cars Not Welcome Here Source: Inside Higher Ed Some colleges make new efforts to discourage students from bringing vehicles to campus. Driving them away can be tough. Report Offers Primer On Cutting College Costs Source: News10; University Business Why are college costs rising so dramatically? Not because of football, fancy dorms or gourmet dining halls, says a new report from the American Enterprise Institute. The report says universities should cut costs by targeting research and unnecessary programs while increasing faculty productivity. Traditional Higher Ed Opens Doorsfor Tuition-Free Online University Source: Online universities have earned a reputation among traditional higher education institutions as businesses that offer low-quality degrees in exchange for hefty debt. What's the Most Expensive College? The Least? Education Dept. Puts It All Online Source: New York Times Students and families can compare colleges' tuitions, the pace at which they are rising and the net cost of attending each college on a new Web site the Department of Education made public on Thursday, fulfilling a legislative mandate. The new lists, required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, show the institutions with the highest and lowest tuitions, the highest and lowest percentage tuition increases over the last two years, and the highest and lowest net price. The Evolution of the Admissions Dean Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education The caricature of the tweedy idealist has yielded to that of the number-obsessed marketer. What most colleges want is something in between

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