In the News

Sep 19, 2011 |

10 challenges for college presidents in 2011-12 Source: Washington Post - College Inc. Blog L. Randolph Lowry, president of Lipscomb University, writes: The role of a college president is centuries old. So it would be natural to assume that as this academic year begins, we presidents can slip into a very familiar leadership role that has precedent along with the pomp and circumstance. Tomorrow's College Source: American RadioWorks In the increasingly competitive 21st-century economy, higher education matters more than ever. But what's the right kind of education to get' And why are so many Americans failing to finish college' Three programs from American RadioWorks explore how higher education is changing and why it matters. Low-Hanging Fruit Source: Inside Higher Ed Educators consider how they can get "near-completers" to finish up their college degrees. Trends in College Spending, 1999-2009 Source: The Delta Project Analysis of revenue and spending patterns in higher education for the 1999-2009 period shows growing gaps between public and private institutions, with the public community college sector falling behind in efforts to meet enrollment demand in the face of deep budget cuts. More Campuses Move Away from Plastic Water Bottles Source:  USA Today News As part of larger sustainability efforts, many campuses are installing hydration stations to refill student water bottles, and 14 campuses have banned the sale of bottled water on campus.

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