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May 18, 2011 |

Trevecca Nazarene U Raises Chickens to Supply Eggs to Campus Source: The Tennessean By: Jennifer Brooks Trevecca Nazarene University (TN) has begun raising free-range chickens. The eggs produced will be sold to campus dining services. The university hopes to have a flock of 120 chickens by August 2011, capable of producing up to 500 eggs a week. The university will also partner with Vanderbilt University (TN), which operates a mobile pantry that delivers fresh, healthy, organic produce at reasonable prices to nearby neighborhoods. Remaining eggs will be offered for sale to local restaurants. Luther College Constructs Hoop House Source: Luther College News Luther GardensLuther College (IA) has constructed a hoop house on the grounds of its college gardens to extend the growing season and serve as a teaching tool about seasonal extension of garden operations. Funded by a donation from the college's director of facilities services, the hoop house was completed almost entirely using recycled or reclaimed materials.

(Left to Right): Giles Teslow, Elsa McCargar, Alex Olson and Bekky Willis assisted in the construction of the new hoop house at Luther Gardens.

For more information on creating sustainability initiatives on you campus, check out the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Check out their 2010 annual report on sustainable activities.

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