September 2 2010

Social media has been on our doorstep for several years, but not everyone has readily opened their door to the fast-paced world. Widely known to be adopted by young adults, businesses, and retailers, a recent study conducted by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International (PSRAI), discovered dramatic growth in use among older adults. Social networking opened its arms to adult users this past year, accounting for twice as many users than the year prior — April 2009-April 2010 (Pew Internet and American Life Project).  Some of the survey findings:
  • Social networking use among internet users ages 50 and older has nearly doubled—from 22% to 42% over the past year.
  • Half (47%) of internet users ages 50-64 and one in four (26%) users age 65 and older now use social networking sites.
  • One in ten (11%) online adults ages 50-64 and one in twenty (5%) online adults ages 65 and older now say they use Twitter or another service to share updates about themselves or see updates about others.
  • Email and online news are still more appealing to older users, but social media sites attract many repeat visitors.
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