July 27 2020

Credo Design Architects and Campus Planners have compiled guidance and recommendations collected from industry peers and partners, professional associations, and government resources that we hope can be useful to you as you consider what opening your campus looks like.

With students’ arrival on campus quickly approaching it may not be feasible to enact all strategies. Identifying a solid foundation of social distancing and contact minimization actions now will provide a basis to develop and implement additional strategic adaptations that work best for your campus once the semester is underway. While it is priority to put a solid operational infrastructure into place, once the campus community starts arriving on campus the energy of campus leadership needs to shift from operations-focused to being focused on the experience of the institution’s people, with attention to campus-wide customer service and a recognition and appreciation that students, faculty and staff are whole people who may have anxieties, energy, and attention focused on personal circumstances and situations which extend beyond their campus life.

The recommendations include general guidelines, strategies for specific places like academic, student life, and dining facilities, as well as a deeper dive into execution, and some recommendations for products that can make your campus safer for students, faculty, and staff. 

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