February 5 2019

We have observed two trends in virtually every institution from a leadership perspective.

1. First, most divisions within a college or university do not have leaders prepared to assume effective authority.

2. Second, most universities do not have a prescribed set of workshops, training, and coaching designed to build such a bench.

We strongly advocate for both.

Succession plans that ensure the continuity of visionary and innovative leadership are essential. Every institutional vice president will need to be seriously training leadership backup. There will not be time for gaps in personnel to slow down progress.

The courageous president takes time with senior staff to identify young emerging leaders, elevate them, and mentor them individually and in small groups so that the bench depth in each area drives continuous momentum even with the departure of individuals along the way.

Cross-training and team-project management will need to ensure that initiatives do not fall behind. A deep, well-trained bench in every area will ensure that strategic action will go on as scheduled. In addition, spending the time, energy, and resources to build this bench means that dozens more people become directly invested in the strategic direction of the university and in the culture of change and innovation. These mid-level leaders become drum majors and catalysts for change and innovation at all levels. And perhaps just as importantly, they see opportunities for upward and cross-area mobility that only strengthen the university.

Courageous Leadership: Championing Disruption, Risk, and Innovation Challenge Questions

  • Are you developing leaders for innovation, risk-taking, and experimentation at all levels, including among associate vice presidents, deans, and directors?
  • Does your faculty leadership understand the relevance of new learning paradigms?
  • Are faculty and staff being prepared for the future of learning?

Did you know that Credo facilitates Aspiring Leaders Workshops? Usually offered in partnership with a higher education organization or association, these workshops give the next generation of leaders an opportunity to evaluate their own skills, gifts, and calling against the primary leadership needs in today’s independent higher education environment.

Find out how you and your organization can benefit from Aspiring Leaders Workshops.

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