June 7 2022

Credo Values Award Recipients (left to right): Lesley Brumfield, Sue Pick, Ryan Gay, Sarah Reese, Allison Ash.

To celebrate our extraordinary team, each year we present the Credo Values Awards to recognize individuals who live deeply in the core values of the firm.

Credo Core Values

Limitless Potential: Credo celebrates the limitless potential of people by empowering them to bring themselves authentically into the spaces in which they learn, work, and live.

Learning in Action: Credo enters interactions with the humility of constant learners, continuously applying research and data to catalyze action and amplify results.

Heartfelt Service: Credo believes that caring and responsible service is at the heart of our work and that rich and long-term relationships grow from this value.

Ethical Stewardship: Credo models ethical accountability through careful stewardship of the funds invested in us by trusting clients, ensuring the financial health of the firm in service of our mission.

Risk with Trust: Credo nurtures an entrepreneurial spirit through collaborative risk-taking grounded in trust and a fail-forward-fast mentality.

Courageous Leadership: Credo speaks truth with courage, confronting challenges with grace and pushing ourselves and our clients toward growth and innovation.

The award recipients are selected by Credo's Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the Director of Extraordinary Talent via nominations from the broader team. We received many exceedingly qualified nominations for individuals across the firm who exhibit these qualities, and are pleased to announce this year's recipients.

Please join us in congratulating our 2022 Credo Values Award recipients!

Sarah Reese | Limitless Potential

Creedo_Vidrio_327Sarah Reese (left), recipient of the Limitless Potential award, pictured with Bill Fahrner (right). 

From Sarah's nomination: "Sarah brings her rich knowledge and experiences to work and, with tremendous grace, releases it at just the right moment. She knows where she adds value as a teammate and in her work with clients, and makes sure everyone walks away from any conversation having more knowledge and perspective than when they arrived."

Sarah brings five years of service to the firm.

Allison Ash | Learning In Action

Allison Ash, Ph.D. (left), recipient of the Learning in Action award, pictured with Emma Jones. Allison Ash, Ph.D. (left), recipient of the Learning in Action award, pictured with Emma Jones

From Allison's nomination: "Allison's work in student success, in diversity, equity, and inclusion, in leadership approaches, and in technology systems and tools is all about how to learn and dynamically apply continuous learning. More importantly, Allison is deeply committed to applied learning that matters and can make an immediate difference."

Allison brings one year of service to the firm.

Lesley Brumfield | Heartfelt Service

Lesley Brumfield (left), recipient of Heartfelt Service award, pictured with presenter Maggie Conklin (right).Lesley Brumfield (left), recipient of Heartfelt Service award, pictured with presenter Maggie Conklin (right).

From Lesley's nomination: "Lesley anticipates needs and works to craft engagements in such a genuinely caring way. Lesley continues to prove that she is not satisfied with the status quo; she is always seeking to improve herself and our processes to deliver excellence to our team and clients with every interaction."

Lesley brings one year of service to the firm. 

Ryan Gay | Ethical Stewardship

Ryan Gay (left), recipient of Ethical Stewardship award, pictured with presenter Joretta Nelson (right).
Ryan Gay (left), recipient of Ethical Stewardship award, pictured with presenter Joretta Nelson (right).

From Ryan's nomination: "RG wins the award when it comes to economizing our work in ways that streamline processes for our team while also bringing continuity to our clients, culminating in a richer experience for all. His dedication to understanding each division, our products, and our processes means he brings valuable insight to every conversation."

Ryan brings three years of service to the firm.

Sue Pick | Risk With Trust

Sue Pick (left), recipient of Risk with Trust award, pictured with Tom Gavic.
Sue Pick (left), recipient of Risk with Trust award, pictured with Tom Gavic.

From Sue's nomination: "Sue brings a sense of truth to her work in partnership with both our internal teams and external clients. She has repeatedly stepped up and instead of merely filling a gap, she identifies opportunities for ways to re-envision the way we work and deliver our products. Sue exemplifies her courage as a leader through being willing to confront with grace while pushing us to be better."

Sue brings three years of service to the firm.

Thank You To Our Whole Team of Courageous Leaders

For Courageous Leadership, the ELT presented the award to the entire team: "Your extraordinary talents and dedication to our work and our clients allows us to progress boldly toward creating transformational experiences for more than a million learners and the leaders who stand in service to them. It is incredible to see a team who is consistently pushing the bar and challenging the status quo, which takes courage and a willingness to disrupt what is comfortable.

Congratulations to all our recipients, and thank you all for being wonderful colleagues and friends. You can read more about our Core Values at the bottom of our What We Do page.

Check out these photos below from this event.

Core Values Dinner Group Side

Advance Values Cocktails

Credo Group Back Advance