September 8 2020

Our team recently wrapped up a Leading Through Disruption interview and survey series with college presidents across the country. Collectively, these leaders serve nearly 70,000 students in 19 states at a range of independent institutions in city, rural, and suburban locations. This content series focuses on what we heard from them.

Fall semester has begun at campuses and universities all across the country and the plans that administrators, faculty, and staff worked hard on all summer have been put into motion. Whether students have returned to your campus for in-person classes, whether they are attending remotely, or if they are doing a hybrid version, their experiences this fall will be extremely different than any other semester before.  

Earlier this summer, we shared the S.A.F.E. project template for campuses to use as a tool for students to share ideas and ways to solve the challenges campuses are facing as they seek to provide the best student experience this fall. It is not too late to implement this program on your campuses; in fact now is the perfect time to learn from students as your well-intentioned plans potentially meet unexpected challenges.

Watch this video from Amy VanDerWerf Carroll, Senior Consultant for Student Success, to find out how the "Students As Fellow Experts" or "S.A.F.E." program can impact your campus.

  Access the video transcript here.

What themes have risen to the top for your campus? Are there specific, additional resources you are looking for? Please send your topics, ideas, and questions to info(at)credohighered(dot)com or tweet us @Credohighered

Have you downloaded your S.A.F.E. Project Resources? Get your complimentary template and accompanying resources to implement S.A.F.E. on your campus.

Access my S.A.F.E. Template & Resources

Talk to us any time about leading through disruption, campus environments, and re-engaging campus life for student success. Schedule a conversation with a student success consultant or just contact us to start the conversation.