July 23 2020

As educational leaders, many of you are preparing to begin the new academic year and are seeking safe, creative, and effective solutions to a host of challenges. In addition to the unique needs of your respective campuses, many of you share common goals: to develop strategies to ensure effective class delivery options, to determine the best course of action for reopening campus, and to provide a safe and healthy learning environment, all while fostering connection and a sense of belonging among students.

Credo student-success and space-and-place associates recently learned about an innovative model developed at Purdue University, ProjectX Safe Campus, established to harness the wisdom gained from students’ own experiences for creating a “meaningful and safe on-campus experience.” The University of Michigan also turned to students for ideas on how to social distance on campus, recently highlighted in this Chronicle of Higher Education article. Including students in planning and decision-making has been a best-practice for decades; the practice of positioning students as knowledge experts has the potential to solve some of the most difficult challenges campuses are facing in these critical times.

You can download a step-by-step outline of the initiative, Students as Fellow Experts (S.A.F.E.) for use on your campuses to capture students’ expertise for creating the best experience for your students this fall.

You can find out about our other Student Success offerings, including Moving The Needle, a two-year transformative student retention and success experience, with modules and workshops custom built for your campus.


If you have additional questions, our Credo Student Success team is here for a conversation, and we look forward to hearing from you! 

Access my S.A.F.E. Template & Resources


Access the S.A.F.E. resource page to get started


Contact Credo to start a conversation about student success.