September 3 2019

"Colleges and universities aren’t typically known for being nimble or change-embracing, but intense and rapid changes in technology, demographics, and culture are demanding that higher ed innovate and evolve faster and with greater vision than ever before. In this two-part series, experts from consulting firm Credo introduce us to their new book 'Pivot: A Vision for the New University,' and discuss working with campus leaders to achieve and exceed challenging goals while fostering rapid change. In this episode, 'Pivot' co-author Joanne Soliday shares solid examples of success, and talks about 'disrupters-in-chief' and how to turn the concept of consensus on its head."

Listen to author and Credo Co-founder Joanne Soliday in the latest 31 Minutes podcast here:

Stay tuned for part two of the podcast, coming soon. 

More about the 31 Minutes podcast from their website:

31Minutes is H·A ThirtyOne’s podcast for finding and sharing the best ideas to help inspire higher ed marketers, communicators and leaders of all ilks. Each episode brings together co-hosts Karyn Adams, Principal & Creative Director for H·A ThirtyOne, and Karen Black, Creative Content Strategist for the firm, to talk with guests and explore one “best idea.”

Make sure to subscribe to 31Minutes on Apple/ iTunesCastboxGoogle PodcastsRadio PubicSpotify, or Stitcher.

Credo Pivot Cover 8•5x11 2018_v1 (1)-1From Joanne Soliday, Credo Co-Founder, and Dr. Mark Lombardi, President of Maryville University, "Pivot: A Vision for the New University" is a new book focusing on the disruptive change that must occur in higher education. Get the whole story behind the podcast interview by ordering your copy of "Pivot: A Vision for the New University" on Amazon in hardback or eBook. 

Order "Pivot" Now