September 25 2019

We are so excited to share the H·A ThirtyOne podcast, 31Minutes, as they share “Creating a Culture of Planning and Strategic Risk,” an interview with Emma Jones, Chief Brand Officer/Owner, and Joretta Nelson, Chief Knowledge Officer & Senior Vice President/Owner about the Thriving 2.0 framework. 

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Emma Jones, Chief Brand Officer / Owner

Joretta Nelson, Ph.D., Chief Knowledge Officer & Senior Vice President/Owner

From 31Minutes:

In addition to Emma and Joretta’s respective titles, and the fact that both women are owners of the firm (shout out to fellow female owners!), they are leading a key piece of Credo’s work – its Thriving 2.0 framework. Of all the write-down-ables from this episode, there are two that I want to share here. First, the phrase “creating a culture of planning and strategic risk.” To me, this little power-packed sentiment speaks to the heart of the Thriving 2.0 framework. It’s the end goal that the framework enables. Not in a day, not in a week, but over time and with intention.

Every organization, from a person’s own family to their entire campus community, can benefit from a culture of planning and strategic risk. Right? Without a plan, it is terribly difficult to know what to do beyond one foot in front of the other. In the absence of thoughtful risk taking, there is at best, stasis, yet more often, there is a slow slumping backwards. But when combined – careful planning and strategic risk can propel individuals and whole organizations into exciting opportunities and totally new eras of thought, process, and innovation. Which leads to the second takeaway I’d like to share…readiness.

Becoming a culture of planners and strategic risk takers requires readiness. Readiness, on the part of campus leadership and leadership bodies, to work with change and operate in areas that are new, grey, and offer the potential of failure. This is what we ask our prospective and first-year students to do constantly, to break out of their comfort zones and try new things – but with thoughtfulness and care. Shouldn’t we all be doing the same? I encourage you to start by giving 31Minutes a listen to get inspired for ways you can lead your campus to its next opportunity to thrive.

  • Listen to the podcast here.
  • Read the full blog quoted above here

31Minutes is H·A ThirtyOne’s podcast for finding and sharing the best ideas to help inspire higher ed marketers, communicators and leaders of all ilks. Each episode brings together co-hosts Karyn Adams, Principal & Creative Director for H·A ThirtyOne, and Karen Black, Creative Content Strategist for the firm, to talk with guests and explore one “best idea.”

Make sure to subscribe to 31Minutes on Apple/ iTunesCastboxGoogle PodcastsRadio PubicSpotify, or Stitcher.

Credo Pivot Cover 8•5x11 2018_v1 (1)-1From Joanne Soliday, Credo Co-Founder, and Dr. Mark Lombardi, President of Maryville University, "Pivot: A Vision for the New University" is a new book focusing on the disruptive change that must occur in higher education. Get the whole story behind the podcast interview by ordering your copy of "Pivot: A Vision for the New University" on Amazon in hardback or eBook. 

Order "Pivot" Now