
Credo Blog

Leading Through Diversity and Inclusion

July 16 2019

Diversity and inclusion work is ongoing, and it can be difficult and eye-opening. It takes leadership, patience, discipline, engagement, and self-awareness from all constituents: students, staff,...

Creating Conversations Around Bias and Inclusivity

July 10 2019

Universities should serve as places where diverse thought can be explored, analyzed, and understood in terms of its origin and impact. Within this exploration rests a profound commitment to open,...

Diversity & Inclusion: Adopting a Framework to Ground Efforts

June 25 2019

With important but disparate diversity resources spread across our campuses—from human resources to student affairs to the enrollment office to academic affairs—true culture change can only be...

Opportunity and Inclusion: Diversifying the Campus Culture

June 18 2019

The powerful alchemy of issues of access combined with the still-profound realities around diversity and inclusion in our country today presents higher education with one of the most compelling...

Agility, Relevance & Learning Design

June 4 2019

Curriculum development must use speed-to-market as a key success measure. The new university cannot spend two years thinking about a program and another year developing it for delivery. In the new...

The Explosion of Adult Education: Meeting Learners Where They Are

May 21 2019

Almost thirty million working adults in the United States aspire to complete a college degree they began years ago, and more than forty million others could enhance their career prospects, but have...

Embracing a Zero-Based Budgeting Philosophy

May 14 2019

In order for leadership to most appropriately weigh the funding of strategic initiatives and all other budget inputs, the institutional budget should be built each year on a zero-based budget...

Bigger Than Efficiency: Managing Cost Across the Academic Unit

April 30 2019

Student learning is our enterprise; it’s why our institutions exist. The heart of our business is the development and execution of learning that results in transformed students who are prepared for...

Placebuilding: What impact does your campus have on your neighbors, community & region?

April 26 2019

The following text is an excerpt from C. C. Strange & J. H. Banning's 2015 work, "Designing For Learning: Creating Campus Environments for Student Success," in which the authors describe four types...

The Growth of Partnerships

April 23 2019

One of the most significant ways in which we are watching institutions shift their business model is through a vast expansion in both the definition and depth of partnerships across their communities...

The Faculty Factor: Maximizing Faculty Impact on Student Recruitment

April 17 2019

ABSTRACT: Faculty are the crux of successful student experiences at an independent college or university. They play a key role in and out of the classroom as they influence student thinking and...